
MagiCoin XMG Miner for Raspberry Pi 2 – Second Try

Second step completed,

now a little guide to build Wolf0 Cpu Miner V2 onto Raspberry Pi 2 with some GCC specific flag for your fantastic Raspberry Pi 2.

With Raspbian on you MicroSD,first you need to enlarge your RPi2 filesystem in case you don’t have free space left.
If you don’t know how, can follow this guide (Manually resizing the SD card on Raspberry Pi).
With all library and compiler needed installed,you need also to install manually GCC 4.8 (actual version of Raspbian include GCC 4.7).
Now you can download Wolf0 V2 Miner from GitHub
or my version
with all compile instruction and modification included.

Only very small change applied on my release ( compile flag, add m7malgo to help of minerd).
If you dowloaded my version you need to:
– Decompress archive (unzip
– Follow README content
– ./
– ./configure CFLAGS=”-Ofast -mcpu=cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mfloat-abi=hard -ffast-math” CXXFLAGS=”-Ofast -mcpu=cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mfloat-abi=hard -ffast-math”
– make

If everything ok, you have a minerd compiled and optimized for your Raspberry Pi 2 device.

Here my speed result without any overclock of RPi2 (4.72KHash!!).

Now ready for next step.

If u like my work, please donate something

MagiCoin XMG ( 9RrUH5arc9dZw2jYCfm1CYWmV5o7NzsWaD )
Bitcoin ( 14aQ7WSfrfcmbWztHUoYU6YJrQoLE38g6n )
Globalboost-Y ( Y54Eci7GrHckg1xjRQUukF12fsDG6Wvqw2 )
Dimecoin ( 78c3JcMk3Beoja1mSHsSu9WoDd5GDETMrp )

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